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Work Projects

Here are some examples of projects I did for Linear Labs Inc. I designed and built various Industrial Automation and Automated testing equipment for use in Brushless DC Motor Manufacturing. The downloadable power point "Work Projects Full Report" has more detailed descriptions available and the "Demonstration Videos" power point has projects showing the machinery in action.



Stator Tester

•This is an automated stator tester that I built. I programmed the HMI using Python. It allows a barcode to be scanned to load an appropriate stator configuration as well as start the test. When the test is complete it will also save the data as an excel file to a network drive. Tests performed include magnetic flux strength, winding polarity, winding inductance, winding resistance, and hi-pot. The stepper motors are controlled using an Arduino Uno that communicates with the Python API though USB serial.


Rotor Tester

•This is an automated rotor tester that I built. The text-based HMI is programmed using Python. It allows a barcode to be scanned to load an appropriate rotor configuration as well as start the test. The purpose of this machine is to quickly verify the polarity of magnets after they have been manually glued to a rotor. The rotary table, y-axis and z-axis are motorized using NEMA 23 stepper motors. The stepper motors are controlled using an Arduino Uno that communicates with the Python API though USB serial.



Dual Voltage Motor Tester

•This is another test machine I built. It allows the testing of dual voltage motors in either wye/double wye or delta/star configurations. Two different VFDs are used, one can partially be seen (blue device on bottom back). An input voltage of 460VAC 3ph is used for one VFD as well as a transformer to be stepped down to 230VAC single phase. This voltage is routed to the other VFD and a 24VDC power supply. The HMI (top left), has a Teensy 4.1 microcontroller inside. This controls the VFD speed and configuration relays. A motor and motor mount are not yet installed in this picture.


Keyance Laser Etcher

•This is a Keyance MD-X2520 laser etcher that I integrated into a repurposed / refurbished CNC machine. Some of the features include an estop, door interlocks, RS232 barcode scanner, automatic fume extraction, serial over WIFI debugging, and an automatic lift table. A demonstration video of the lift table that I added to the machine can be found in the "Demonstration Videos" power point at the top of this page.

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